EUROPA 2023, a new and old circuit
Last year we presented EUROPA, International Photo Circuit which, as we remembered, was new and old at the same time.
New with the current format, digital and in the form of a circuit, but at the same time old because Europe specifically goes back to 1973, precisely 50 years ago that, by the hand of the one who was president of the FIAP, Enric Pàmies, HonEFIAP, (Reus, 1923-2014), the already historic Biennials Europe were born, which lasted until 1993. Already in a second stage of an annual form and already in the digital world, they were reborn in 2012 and, finally, after ten years, in 2022 they became Circuit.
It should also be remembered that this new circuit integrated three historic entities that for many years had photographic activity and the organization of national exhibitions that achieved great prestige.
We are referring to CERAP, Centre d’Estudis Riudomencs Arnau de Palomar with more than 40 years working for culture and, also, for photography.
The Agrupació Fotogràfica d’Alforja with the veteran Medalla Puigcerver born in 1956.
And, finally, the Foment Parroquial de Cultura with the prestigious Vila de Vimbodí photography prize.
All these entities have a wide cultural background of long history where photography has a special role.
All this has made it possible to give a historical and cultural plus to our old and new Europa circuit.
With these antecedents, it could not be any other way that our circuit was a success and we received 3670 photographs from 264 authors from 42 countries around the world.
As always, we must thank the authors for this success and also the juries who have had the important task of choosing the best works received and awarding the corresponding prizes.
This gives us a push to be able to say thank you and until EUROPA 2023 where
we will meet again.